Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Just like Java RMI, Just Better: Dirmi

Here is another new interesting new hopefully useful project for developers of distributed Java systems: Dirmi. It is essentially a replacement and upgrade for plain old Java RMI, and both addresses most existing issues with vanilla RMI and extends set of functionality. And does all of that with a few usability improvements. Sounds pretty good to me.

So why do I think this might be a very good replacement? Beyond reading its feature set, I have not yet really used it. But I have confidence knowing its author, who has written such solid packages as Carbonado (ORM to use with BDB, amongst other backends) as Cojen (code generator). I hope Dirmi will get bit more exposure in near future (as well as Carbonado that seems to be somewhat of a well-kept secret and deserves to be more widely known). I will try to write a follow-up if and when I get to play with Dirmi a bit.

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