Promising new Java libs: BoneCP connection pool
Given somewhat sorry state of Java JDBC connection pools -- there are a few existing almost-mature and nearly-well-working connection pools, but with lackluster development and documentation (namely, DBCP and C3P0; Proxool might be bit better, hard to say) -- it is refreshing to see little bit of reinvention going on. First I learnt that some webapp container teams are writing their own simple connection pools (wish I had the link at hand -- was it Tomcat team?); as well as DB vendors (H2 bundles a decent a simple connection pool for example; maybe based on MiniConnectionPoolManager?). These may be more due to smell of code rot by alternatives than stand-alone developments.
But more interestingly there is BoneCP, which looks like it could actually become a full-feature mature and well-supported JDBC connection pool that actually "just works". I have not yet used it extensively, but by the looks of mailing lists, and some glimpses at code, it does look promising. There's a chance it might end up in my "Java library pearls" list quickly once I do properly test it.