Monday, February 28, 2011

Jackson: not just for JSON, Smile or BSON any more -- Now With XML, too!

(NOTE: see the newer article on "Jackson 2.0 with XML")

One of first significant new Jackson extension projects (result of Jackson 1.7 release which made it much easier to provide modular extensions) is jackson-xml-databind, hosted at GitHub. Although this extension is still in its pre-1.0 development phase, the latest released version is fully usable as is and is even in some limited production use by some brave developers (running on Google AppEngine, of all things!).

So it is probably a good idea to now give a brief overview of what this project is all about.

1. What is jackson-xml-databind?

Jackson-xml-databind comes in a small package (jar is only about 55 kB) , and is used with Jackson data binding functionality (jackson-mapper jar). It provides basic replacement for JsonFactory, JsonParser and JsonGenerator components of Jackson Streaming API, and allows reading and writing of XML instead of JSON, in context of generic Jackson data binding functionality. In addition, core ObjectMapper is also sub-classed to provide customized versions of couple of other provider types, so typically all usage is done by creating com.fasterxml.jackson.xml.XmlMapper instead of ObjectMapper, and using it for data binding.

2. What is it used for?

This package is used to read XML and convert it to POJOs, as well as to write POJOs as XML. In this respect it is very similar to JAXB (javax.xml.bind) package; and an alternative for many other Java XML data binding packages such as XStream and JibX. Given Jackson support for JAXB annotations, it can be especially conveniently used as a JAXB replacement in many cases.

Functionality supported is in some ways a subset of JAXB, and in other ways a superset: XML-specific functionality is more limited (no explicit support for XML Schema), but general data binding functionality is arguably more powerful (since it is full set of Jackson functionality).

Two obvious benefits of this package compared to JAXB or other existing XML data binding solutions (like XStream) are superior performance -- with fast Stax XML parser, this is likely the fastest data binding solution on Java platform (see jvm-serializers for results) -- and extensive and customizable data POJO conversion functionality, using all existing Jackson annotations and configuration options. The main downside currently is potential immaturity of the package; however, this only applies to interaction between mature XML packages (stax implementation) and Jackson data binder (which is also fairly mature at this point).

3. So how do I use it?

If you know how to use Jackson with JSON, you know almost everything you need to use this package. The only other thing you need to know is that there has to be a Stax XML parser/generator implementation available. While JDK 1.6 provides one implementation, your best best is using something bit more efficient, such as Woodstox or Aalto. Both should work fine; Aalto is faster of two, but Woodstox is a more mature choice. So you will probably want to include one of these Stax implementations when using jackson-xml-databind.

Other than this, all you need to do is to construct XmlMapper:

  XmlMapper mapper = new XmlMapper(); // can also specify XmlFactory to 
  use, to override Stax factories used

and use it like you would any other ObjectMapper, like so:

  User user = new User(); // from Jackson-in-five-minutes sample
String xml = mapper.writeValueAsString(user);

and what you would get is something like:


which is equivalent of JSON serialization that would look like:


Pretty neat eh?

Oh, and reverse direction obviously works similarly:

  User user = mapper.readValue(xml, User.class);

There is really nothing extra-ordinary in it usage; just another way to use Jackson for slicing and dicing your POJOs.

4. Limitations

While existing version works pretty well in general, there are some limitations. These mostly stem from the basic difference between XML and JSON logical models; and specifically affect handling of Lists/arrays. XmlMapper for example only allows so-called "wrapped" lists (for now); meaning that there is one wrapper XML element for each List or array property, and separate element for each List item.

Compared to JAXB (and related to JAXB annotation support), no DOM support is included; meaning, it is not possible to use converters that take or produce DOM Elements.

With respect to Jackson functionality, while polymorphic type information does work, some combinations of settings may not work as expected.

And given project's pre-1.0 status, testing is not yet as complete as it needs to be, so other rough edges may also be found. But with help of user community I am sure we can polish these up pretty quickly.

5. Feedback time!

So what is needed most at this point? Users, usage, and resulting bug (or, possibly, success) reports! Seriously, more usage there is, faster we can get the project up to 1.0 release.

Happy hacking!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Basic flaw with most binary formats: missing identifiable prefix (protobuf, Thrift, BSON, Avro, MsgPack)

Ok: I admit that I have many reservations regarding many existing binary data formats; and this is major reason why I worked on Smile format specification -- to develop a format that tries to address various deficiencies I have observed.

But while the full list of grievances would be long, I realized today that there is one basic design problem that is common to pretty much all formats -- at least Thrift, protobuf, BSON and MsgPack -- that is: lack of any kind of reliable, identifiable prefix. Commonly used techniques like "magic number", which is used to allow reliable type detection for things like image formats appears unknown to binary data format designers. This is a shame.

1. The Problem

Given a piece of data (file, web resource), one important piece of metadata is its structure. While this is often available explicitly from the context, this is not always the case; and even if it could be added there are benefits to being able to automatically detect type: this can significantly simplify systems, or to extend functionality by accepting multiple kinds of formats. Various graphics programs, for example, can operate on different image storage formats, without necessarily having any metadata available beyond just actual data.

So why does this matter? It helps in verifying basic correctness of interacton in many cases: if you can detect what is and what is not valid piece of data in a format, life is much easier: you have a chance to know immediately when piece of data is completely corrupt, or you are being fed data in some format than the one you expect. Or, if you support multiple formats, you can add automatic handling of differences.

2. Textual formats do it well

But let's go back to commonly used textual data formats: XML and JSON. Of these, XML specifies "xml declaration" which can be used to not only determine text encoding (UTF-8 etc) used but also the fact that data is XML. It is cleanly designed and is simple to implement. As if it was designed by people who knew what they were doing.

JSON does not define such a prefix, but specification does specify exact rules for detecting valid JSON, as well as encodings that can be used; so in practice JSON auto-detection is as easy to implement as that for XML.

3. But most new binary formats don't

Now; the task of defining unique (enough) header for binary formats would be even easier than that for textual formats, because structurally there is less variance: no need to allow variable text encoding, arbitrary white spaces, or other lexical sugar. It took me very little time to figure out the simple schema used by Smile to indicate its type (which in itself was inspired by design of PNG image format, an example of very good data format design).

So you might think that binary formats would excel in this area. Unfortunately, you would be wrong.

As far as I can see, following binary data formats have little or no support for type detection:

  • Thrift does not seem to have type identifier at its format layer. There is actually small amount of metadata at RPC level (there is a message-start structure of some kind), but this only helps if you want/need to use Thrift's RPC layer. Another odd things is that internal API actually exposes hooks that would be used to handle any type idenfitiers; it is as if designers were at least aware of possibility of using some markers to enclose main-level data entities.
  • protobuf does not seem to have anything to allow type detection of a given blob of protobuf data. I guess protobuf never claimed to be useful for anything beyond tightly coupled low-level system integration (although some clueless companies are apparently using it for data storage... which just plain old Bad Idea), so maybe I could buy argument that this is just not needed, that there is never any "arbitrary protobuf data" around. Still... adding a tiny bit of redundancy would make sense for diagnostics purposes; and given that protobuf already has some redundancy (field ids, instead of using ordering) it would seem acceptable to use first 2 or 4 bytes for this.
  • MsgPack and BSON both just define "raw" encoding, without any format identifier that I can see. This is especially puzzling since unlike protobuf and Thrift, they do not require a schema to be used; that is, they have plenty of other metadata (types, names of struct members; even length prefixes). So make these data formats completely unidentifiable?

4. But what about Avro?

There is one exception aside from Smile, however. Avro seems to do the right thing (as far as I can read the specification) -- at least when explicitly storing Avro data in a file (I assume including map/reduce use cases, stored in HDFS): there is a simple prefix to use, as well as requirement to store the schema used. This makes sense, since my biggest concern with formats like protobuf and Thrift is that being "schema-ridden", data without schema is all but useless. Requiring that two are bundled -- when stored -- makes sense; optimizations can be used for transfer.

So Avro definitely seems better design than 4 other binary data formats listed above in this respect.

5. Why do I care?

As part of my on-going expansion of Jackson ("the universal data processor"), I am thinking of adding many more backends (to support reading and writing data in alternate data formats), to allow clean and efficient data binding to/from most any commonly used data formats. Ideally this would include binary data formats. Current plans are to include format detection functionality in such a way that new codecs can detect data they are capable of reading and writing; and this will work just fine for most existing formats that Jackson can handle (JSON, Smile, XML). I also assumed that since it would be very easy to design data formats that can be reliably detected, existing formats should be a piece of cake to detect. It is only when I started digging into details of binary data formats that the sad reality sunk in...

On plus side, this makes it easier to focus on adding first rate support for data formats that are easy to detect. So I will probably prioritize Avro compatibility significantly higher than others; and I will unfortunately have to downgrade my work on adding Thrift support which would otherwise be the most important "alien" format to support (due to existing use by infrastructure I am working on).

Sunday, February 06, 2011

On prioritizing my Open Source projects, retrospect #2

(note: related to original "on prioritizing OS project", as well as first retrospect entry)

1. What was the plan again?

Ok, it has been almost 4 months since my last medium-term high-level priorization overview. Planned list back then had these entries:

  1. Woodstox 4.1
  2. Aalto 1.0 (complete async API, impl)
  3. Jackson 1.7: focus on extensibility
  4. ClassMate 1.0
  5. Externalized Mr Bean (not dependant on Jackson)
  6. StaxMate 2.1
  7. Tr13 1.0

2. And how have we done?

Looks like we got about half of it done. Point by point:

  1. DONE: Woodstox 4.1 (with 4.1.1 patch release)
  2. Almost: Aalto 1.0 -- half-done; but significant progress, API is defined, about half of implementation work done
  3. DONE: Jackson 1.7 (with 1.7.1 and 1.7.2 patch releases)
  4. Almost: ClassMate 1.0 not completed; version 0.5.2 released, javadocs publisher, minor work remains
  5. Deferred: Externalized Mr Bean -- no work done (only some preliminary scoping)
  6. DONE? StaxMate 2.1 -- released 2.0.1 patch instead that contains fixes to found issues, but no new features, which would defined 2.1.
  7. Some work done: Tr13: incremental work, but no definite 1.0 release (did release 0.2.5 patch version with cleanup)

I guess it is less than half since only 2 things were fully completed (or 3 if StaxMate 2.0.1 counts). But then again, of remaining tasks only one did not progress at all; and many are close to being completed (in fact, I was hoping to wrap up Aalto before doing update). And ones referred were lower entries on the list.

On the other hand, I did work on a few things that were not on the list. For example:

  • Started "jackson-xml-databinding" project (after Jackson 1.7.0), got first working version (0.5.0)
  • Started multiple other Jackson extension projects (jackson-module-hibernate, jackson-module-scala), with working builds and somewhat usable code; these based on code contributed by other Jackson developers
  • Started "java-cachemate" project, designed concept and implemented in-memory size-limited-LRU-cache (used already in a production system)

This just underlines how non-linear open source development can be; it is often opportunistic -- but necessarily in negative way -- and heavily influenced by feedback, as well as newly discovered inter-dependencies, and -opportunities.

3. Updated list

Let's try guestimating what to do going forward, then, shall we. Starting with leftovers, we could get something like:

  • Aalto 1.0: complete async implementation; do some marketing
  • ClassMate 1.0: relatively small amount of work (expose class annotations)
  • Java CacheMate: complete functionality, ideally release 1.0 version
  • Tr13: either complete 1.0, or augment with persistence options from cachemate (above)
  • Externalized Mr Bean? This is heavily dependant on external interest
  • Jackson 1.8: target most-wanted features (maybe external type id, multi-arg setters)
  • Jackson-xml-databinding 1.0: more testing, fix couple known issues
  • Work on Smile format; try to help with libsmile (C impl), maybe more formal specification; performance measurements, other advocacy; maybe even write a javascript codec

Other potential work could include:

  • StaxMate 2.1 with some new functionality
  • Woodstox 5.0, if there is interest (raise JDK minimum to 1.5, maybe convert to Maven build)
  • Jackson-module-scala: help drive 1.0 version, due to amount of interest in full Scala support
  • Jackson-module-csv: support data-binding to/from CSV -- perhaps surprisingly, much of "big data" exists as plain old CSV files...

But chances are that above lists are also incomplete... let's check back in May, on our first "anniversary" retrospect.

Saturday, February 05, 2011

Every day Jackson usage, part 3: Filtering properties

(part of continuing series on covering common usage patterns with Jackson JSON processor; previous entry covered handling open (extensible) content)

One of first things users eventually want to configure when using Jackson is (re)defining which Java object properties to serialize (written out) and which not.

1. What gets serialized by default?

Properties of an object are initially determined by process called auto-detection: all member methods and fields are checked to find:

  1. "Getter" methods: all no-argument public member methods which return a value, and conform to naming convention of "getXxx" (or "isXxx", iff return type is boolean; called "is-getter") are considered to infer existence of property with name "xxx" (where property name is inferred using bean convention, i.e. the leading capitali letter(s) is changed to lower case
  2. field properties: all public member fields are considered to represent properties, using field name as is.

In case both a getter and a field is found for same logical property, getter method has precedence and is used (field is ignored).

Set of properties introspected using this process are considered to be the base set of properties. But the auto-detection process itself can be configured differently, and there are multiple annotations and configuration settings that can further change actual effective set of properties to serialize.

2. Changing auto-detection defaults: @JsonAutoDetect

If the default auto-detection visibility limits (fields and member methods needing to be public) are not to your liking, it is easy to change them by using one of following method:

  • @JsonAutoDetect annotation can be defined for classes; properties "fieldVisibility", "getterVisibility" and "isGetterVisibility" define minimum visibility needed to include property (for fields, getters and is-getters, respectively). It is possible to, for example, include all field properties regardess of visibility (@JsonAutoDetect(fieldVisibility=Visibility.ANY)); or to disable getter-method auto-detection (@JsonAutoDetect(getterVisibility=Visibility.NONE)), and combinations there-of. Note that this annotation (just like any other Jackson annotation) can be applied as a mix-in annotation, without having to modify type directly; and can be added to a base type to apply to all subtypes.
  • ObjectMapper.setVisibilityChecker() can be used to define customized minimum visibility detection

Changing minimum auto-detection visibility limits is an easy to way to increase number of properties discovered (for example by exposing all member fields; similar to how libraries like XStream and Gson work by default), or to prevent any and all auto-detection (i.e. to force explicit annotations using @JsonProperty or @JsonGetter annotation).

As an example, to serialize all fields (and use no getter methods), you could do:

                  getterVisibility=Visibility.NONE, isGetterVisibility=Visibility.NONE)
  public class FieldsOnlyBean {
    private String name; // will now be used instead of getName()
    public String getName() { throw new Error(); } // never used!

3. Explicitly ignoring properties: @JsonIgnore, @JsonIgnoreProperties

Given set of auto-detect potential properties is the starting point; and it can further be modified by per-property annotations:

  • @JsonProperty (and @JsonGetter, @JsonAnyGetter) can be used to indicate that a field or method is to be consider a property field or getter method, even if it isn't auto-detected.
  • @JsonIgnore can be used to forcibly prevent inclusion, regardless of auto-detection (or other annotations)

In addition, there is per-class annotation @JsonIgnoreProperties that can be used alternatively to list names of logical properties NOT to include for serialization; it may be easier to use via mix-in annotations than per-property annotations (although both can be used via mix-in annotations).

So you could do:

  @JsonIgnoreProperties({ "internal" })
  public class Bean {
    public Settings getInternal() { ... } // ignored
    @JsonIgnore public Settinger getBogus(); // likewise ignored
    public String getName(); // but this would be serialized

4. Defining profiles for dynamic ignoral: JSON Views (@JsonView)

So far configuration methods have been applied statically; meaning that a property will either always be included (except for special case of possibly suppressing null-values), or never included.

JSON views are a way to define more dynamic inclusion/exclusion strategy. The idea is to define inclusion rules for properties, by associating logical views (classes used as identifiers; this allows use of hierarchic views) with properties, using @JsonView annotations; and then specifying which view is to be used for serialization. This is often used to define smaller "public" set of properties, and larger "private" or "confidential" set of properties. See @JsonView wiki page for usage example.

5. Ignoring all properties with specified type: @JsonIgnoreType

In addition to defining rules on per-property basis, there are times when it makes sense to just prevent serialization of any auto-detected properties for given type(s). For example, many frameworks add specific accessors for types they generate, which return objects that should not be serialized.

For example, let's say that an Object-Relational Mapper always adds "public Schema getSchema()" accessors for all value classes. And if this is metadata that is not part of serializable state, we can prevent its inclusion in serialization by adding @JsonIgnoreType annotation on Schema type (or its supertype). This is often easiest done using mix-in annotations.

6. Fully dynamic filtering: @JsonFilter

Although JSON views allow somewhat dynamic filtering, definitions of filters are still static. This means that it is only possible to dynamically choose from a static set of views.

JSON Filters are a way to implement fully dynamic filtering. The way this is done is by defining logical filter a property uses, with @JsonFilter("id") annotation, but specifying actual filter (and its configuration) using ObjectWriter. Filters themselves are obtained via FilterProviders which can be fully custom, or based on simple implementations. Check out JSON Filter wiki page for details.

7 . Most extreme way to filter out properties: BeanSerializerModifier

And if ability to define custom filters is not enough, the ultimate in configurability is ability to modify configuration and configuration of BeanSerializer instances. This makes it possible to do all kinds of modifications (changing order in which properties are serialized; adding, removing or renaming properties; replacing serializer altogether with a custom instance and so on): you can completely re-wire or replace serialization of regular POJO ("bean") types.

This is achieved by adding a BeanSerializerModifier: the simplest way to do this is by using Module interface. Details of using BeanSerializerModifier are more advanced topic; I hope to cover it separately in future. The basic idea is that BeanSerializerModifier instance defines callbacks that Jackson BeanSerializerFactory calls during construction of a serializer.

Thursday, February 03, 2011

Why do modularity, extensibility, matter?

After writing about Jackson 1.7 release, I realized that while I described what and how was done to significantly improve modularity and extensibility of Jackson, I did not talk much about why I felt both were desperately needed. So let's augment that entry with bit more background, fill in the blanks.

Two things actually go together such that while modularity in itself is somewhat useful, it is extremely important when it is coupled with extensibility (and conversely it is hard to be extensible without being modular). So I will consider them together, as "modular extensibility", in what follows.

1. Distributed development

The most obvious short-term benefit of better modularization, extensibility, is that it actually allows simple form of distributed development, as additional extension modules (and projects under which they are created) can be built independent from the core project. There are dependencies, of course -- modules may need certain features of the core library -- but this much looser coupling than having to actually work within same codebase, coordinating changes. This alone would be worth the effort.

But the need for distribution stems from the obvious challenge with Jackson's (or any smilar project's) status quo: that the core project, and its author (me) can easily become a bottleneck. This is due to coordination needed, such as code reviews, patch integration; much of which is most efficiently done with simple stop-and-wait'ish approach. While it is possible to increase concurrency within one project and codebase (with lots of additional coordination, communication, both of which are hard if activity levels of participants fluctuate), it is much easier and more efficient to do this by separate projects.

Not all projects can take the route we are taking, since one reason such modularity is possible is due to expansion of the project scope: extensions for new datatypes are "naturally modular" (conceptually at least; implementation-wise this is only now becoming true), and similarly support for non-Java JVM languages (Scala, Clojure, JRuby) and non-JSON data formats (BSON, xml, Smle). But there are many projects that could benefit from more focus on modular extensibility.

2. Reduced coupling leads to more efficient develo[ment

Reduced coupling between pieces of functionality in turn allows for much more efficient development. This is due to multiple factors: less need for coordination; efficiency in working on smaller pieces (bigger projects, as companies, have much more inherent overhead, lower productivity); shorter release cycles. Or, instead of canonically shorter development and release cycles, it is more accurate to talk about more optimal cycles: new, active projects can have shorter cycles, release more often, and more mature, slower moving (or ones with more established user base and hence bigger risks from regression) can choose slower pace. The key point is that each project can choose most optimal rate of releases, and only synchronize when some fundamental "platform" functionality is needed.

As an example, core Jackson project has released a significant new version every 3 - 6 months. While this is pretty respectable rate in itself, it is glacial pace compared to releases for, say, "jackson-xml-databinding" module, which might release new versions on weekly basis before reaching its 1.0 version.

3. Extending and expanding community

This improved efficiency is good just in itself, but I think it will actually make it easire to extend and expand community. Why? Because starting new projects and getting releases out faster should make it easier to join, get started and productive, and thereby lower threshold for participation. In fact I think that we are going to quickly double and quadruple number of active contributors quite soon, when everyone realizes potential for change; how easy it is to get to expand functionality in a way that everyone can share the fruits of labor. Previously best methods have been to write a blog entry about using a feature, or maybe report a bug; but now it will be trivially easy to start playing with new kinds of reusable extension functionality.

4. Modules are the new core

Given all the benefits of the increased modularity I am even thinking of further splitting much of existing "core" (meaning all components under main Jackson project; core, mapper, xc, jax-rs, mrbean, smile) as modules. All jars except for core and mapper would themselves work as modules (or similar extensions); and many features of mapper jar could be extracted out. The main reason for doing this would actually be to allow different release cycles: jax-rs component, for example, has changed relatively little since 1.0: there is no real need to release new version of it every time there is a new mapper version. In fact, of 6 jars, mapper is the only one that is constantly changing; others have evolved at much slower pace.

But even if core components were to stay within core Jackson project, most new extension functionality to be written will be done as new modules.

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Jackson 1.7; quest for Maximum Extensibility

At this point Jackson 1.7 has been out for almost a month (and in fact, 1.7.2 is by now the latest patch release), so it's high time to write something about this release.
1.7 turns out to be third "anything but minor" minor release in a row, which is part of the reason why I have procrastinated a bit: it is not a simple matter of just listing set of simple features, or linking the release notes page (which can be found here, for anyone interested). Rather, it makes sense to talk a bit about 1.7 development cycle.

But it is actually good that I have had some time to think about what to write, instead of rushing to document release that just happened: especially since there is now some progress that was directly germinated by this release. But more on this bit later.

1. Background

After 1.6, a whopper of a release that boasted 4 major new featurers and a boatload of smaller ones, the initial plan for 1.7 was to make a somewhat smaller incremental release. Beyond tackling some fixes that required API changes (and thus couldn't go in one of 1.6.x patch releases), the focus was on the most important concern at the time: difficult in cleanly extending Jackson with modular extensions. So it seemed like this might be a modest incremental upgrade.

It was quickly found out that needed changes to allow modular extensibility were quite wide-spread, since information needed was not propagated through all the pieces. But the focus on a single cross-cutting concern turned out to be a good thing, so that major changes to interfaces could be done in one fell swoop and hopefully abstractions added (and changes to existing ones) will form a solid foundation for further development.

2. Aspects of extensibility

While the main goal was to improve extensibility, there are multiple kinds changes that are needed to support proper modular extensibility. For example:

  • Changes to allow registration of bundles of new functionality in a way that it is possible to add multiple extensions that ideally do not conflict, and that need not even be aware of other extensions that may be used.
  • Retrofitting existing components and interfaces to allow clean extension (i.e. avoiding having to sub-class things)
  • Adding new extension points to replace older extension methods
  • Making existing extension points more powerful, to further reduce need for more invasive techniques (overrides with sub-classing)

Another way to consider this is to think of Jackson becoming a platform; the way a web browser can be seen a platform to build on (via addition of plug-ins and add-ons). In fact, given new projects that support many non-JSON data formats (see below), it is not a strecth to claim that Jackson is becoming a "Java data format conversion platform" at this point.

3. New mechanism for registering extensions: Module API

The most visible new construct is Module API. It is also amongst simplest, since there are basically just two things a Jackson Module developer needs to learn:

  1. interface, which must be implemented by one class of the module; and specifically its "setupModule(SetupContext ctxt)" method (other methods are for exposing metadata such as module version)
  2. Module.SetupContext (passed to "setupModule" method) that exposes set of extension points (methods) that module can use to register handlers it wants to add.

And from user end point, it is even simple; there is but one thing to know. To use, say, new Jackson-guava-module (available from FasterXML GitHub repository; provides support for reading/writing Guava data types), you will do:

  ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
  mapper.registerModule(new GuavaModule());

that is, add a one-line call to let module register whatever it wants to offer, via interfaces that ObjectMapper provides it.

From above description, definition of a Jackson module is quite simple: it is piece of code that defines one class that implements, and which registers all functionality offered by the module.

3.1. Module interface: not just for extensions -- use for your own app too!

One thing worth noting is that while Module interface is really designed to allow writing of reusable third-party extensions, it actually works pretty well just for encapsulating ObjectMapper configuration and extensions that are only used by a single application, or company-wide (but not published externally). So it is a good idea to use modules, for example, when registering custom serializers and deserializers; there is no overhead and this helps in encapsulating configurability and customization in one place.

4. Modular extension points: Serializers, Deserializers

Beyond having a simple registration mechanism for extensions (which I will from here on simply refer as "modules"), the obvious problem with extensibility has been that it has been limited to application developer being able to override custom behavior, either by setting an explicit handler, or by sub-classing and replacing existing components (like SerializerFactory). True extensibility requires that it must be possible for multiple modules to add handlers without overriding each other's changes (unless they happen to truly conflict like trying to define handler for same data type); ability for modules to peacefully co-exist, co-operate without explicitly having to plan for it.

The first obvious thing was to add mechanisms for adding custom serializers and deserializers without having to replace default SerializerFactory and DeserializerFactory instances. This was done by adding new interfaces and (and matching basic implementations), which just define a way for a module to provide serializers and deserializers for specific data types. These can then be registered with SerializerFactory.withAdditionalSerializers(Serializers) and DeserializerFactory.withAdditionalDeserializers(Deserializers); which is exactly what ObjectMapper exposes via SetupContext.setupModule() method.

These simple extension points alone cover much of what most module need to do: to provide specific handlers for third party libraries. And when using (default implementation of Module), addition of these handlers is a one-line operation.

5. Modular extension points: BeanSerializerModifier, BeanDeserializerModifier

But beyond ability to conveniently register deserializers and serializers, it was understood that ability to modify functioning of standard BeanSerializer and BeanDeserializer instances (things that take your POJOs, find out properties, handle annotations and pretty much do most of the magic Jackson provides) is a definite must. This because in most cases much of existing functionality is fine, but there is need to tweak specific aspects of serialization or deserialization: for example, one may want to override handling of just one specific property, for specific class of POJOs. And while annotations can configure many things well, there are limitations.

To support this, two new interfaces (and matching registration methods, added in Module.SetupContext) were added: BeanSerializerModifier and BeanDeserializerModifier.

Methods defined in these interfaces are called during (and right after) building BeanSerializer and BeanDeserializer instances; and can be used for example to:

  1. Add or remove properties to be serialized, deserialized
  2. Change the order in which properties are serialized
  3. Completely replace BeanSerializer/-Deserializer that has been built, with specified JsonSerializer/JsonDeserializer (this is often done by constructing a new BeanSerializer / BeanDeserializer, using some properties from initial serializer/deserializer)

Which pretty much means that the whole serializer and deserializer configuration and construction process can be modified; but without having to replace everything. Possibilities are unlimited.

6. Contextual configuration of serializers, deserializers

While ability to change the way bean serializers, deserializers are configured and constructed is powerful, there was one other aspect of construction process that needed revamping. Up until version 1.6, once a serializer (deserializer) was constructed for a given type, same instance was used for properties of that type. This meant that any context-specific behavior (serialization of a field of specific type being handled differently, depending on which exact property is being serialized) was hard to do; and basically could not be done from within serializer or deserializer implementation.

Consider something that would seem like a simple extension: ability to define which DateFormat to use for serializing specific properties. For example, we might want something like:

  public class Bean {
public Date createDate; }

in which 'createdDate' property would be serialized using specified DateFormat, instead of the default DateFormat mapper uses.

Problem is two-fold: first of all, JsonSerializer/JsonDeserializer does not get enough contextual information to do much configuration. But worse, even if it did, there would be just one instance that is used regardless of location of property. So the only way (pre-1.7) to implement such feature would be to explicitly add support within core Jackson data binder; BeanSerializerFactory and AnnotationIntrospector would need to be modified at minimum.

One obvious way to solve the problem would have been to pass contextual information during serialization/deserialization. But while this would be a powerful mechanism, it would add significant amount of overhead, especially if configuration was to be done using annotations. Instead we decided to pass this information during construction of serializer/deserializer instance; from design perspective this is compatible with the general goal of trying to gather as much information as possible during non-performance-critical phase of constructing handlers, and minimize work to be done during performance-critical serialization phase.

Specific mechanism chosen is that of defining two interfaces (ContextualSerializer, ContextualDeserializer) that serializer and deserializer instances can implement. And if they do, SerializerProvider / DeserializerProvider will first construct instance, and then call methods in new interfaces, to allow creation of contextual instances, passing information about context in form of BeanProperty instance which gives property name and access to all related annotations (as well as currently active configuration).

With this information it will be possible to support use cases such as one explained below: in fact, unit tests used to verify functionality define trivial serializer types (like StringSerializer that can conditionally lower-case property values based on existence of a test annotation).

7. From theoretical to practical extensibility

While it has been just 4 weeks since the release, extensibility improvements outlined above have already been made good use of by multiple projects. I am aware of at least following extension projects (please let me know of others if you know):

  • bson4jackson (support for BSON format (used by MongoDB))
  • jackson-module-scala (support Scala data types) (there is also another noteworthy Scala-with-Jackson project, Jerkson)
  • jackson-module-hibernate (support lazy-loaded Hibernate types):
  • jackson-module-guava (support google Guava collection types)
  • jackson-xml-databind (support reading/writing XML instead of JSON, "mini-JAXB") -- I will definitely need to write bit more about this in near future (can't use XStream or JAXB at GAE? jackson-xml-databind actually can be -- and it is much faster than either on J2SE platform as well)

and new ones are bound to come up (there have been talks for adding Joda-module, CSV-module for example)

8. Beyond extensibility: other new features, improvements:

As imporant as extensibility (and benefits it brings, such as new modules!), 1.7 actually contains a few important other improvements and new features that are not directly related to extensibility. Here's a quick list of most noteworthy ones:

  • @JsonTypeInfo can now be used for properties (fields, getter/setter methods), not just types (classes) -- useful for "untyped" fields (like ones using java.lang.Object as value), so one need not enable default type information
  • Dynamic Filtering: powerful new filtering mechanism using @JsonFilter to specify filter id, ObjectMapper.filteredWriter(FilterProvider) to specify which id maps to which filter -- this is a major new feature, and I hope to write more about it too (
  • Support for wrapping output within "root name" (similar to JAXB), for interoperability with other JSON tools, frameworks
  • @JsonRawValue for injecting "raw text" (such as pre-encoded JSON without re-parsing) during serialization
  • SerializedString for high-efficiency serialization of pre-encoded (quoted, utf-8 encoded) String values, property names
  • Feature to enable/disable wrapping of runtime exceptions (separately for serialization, deserialization)

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Jackson Tips: extracting Bean properties; encoding/decoding Base64

Due to extensive functionality Jackson offers for data binding in general (and JSON in particular), it is easy to get lost on everything that is available. It is also easy to miss possibilities to creatively use Jackson for non-JSON use cases; uses cases where no JSON is read or written.

I have written a bit about general data conversions with Jackson ("Not your type? Jackson as the match-maker"), but thought it might make sense to have another look. Not so much to extend what can be done, but to rather focus on just two things that I have found commonly useful.

1. Extracting (or injecting!) Bean Properties

One relatively common task -- or thing that would be useful to do, if it was easy -- is to take all logical properties of a bean, and expose them as a Map: this is needed to build all kinds of things, from templating (like JSTL bean accessors) to data conversions or diagnostic output. There are packages to do this, of course (like Commons bean-utils), but it is good to know that Jackson can do this rather well too:

  // mad props to my map!
  Map<String,Object> properties = new ObjectMapper().convertValue(pojo, Map.class);

And there you have it: a Map with property name as key, and value "native" representation of property; a Map, List, Boolean, Integer/Long, Float/Double or null (referenced POJOs being recursively "serialized" as one of these types, as necessary). And then you can do whatever is necessary: access by name to use as replacement, add/remove properties, iterate over properties.

But it gets more interesting: given that Jackson 1.6 introduced new functionality to do "partial" deserialization -- that is, ability to change properties of an existing POJO -- we can do just that. In fact, we could use property Map from the first example: assuming we modified entries (maybe lower-cased all String values? Doubled numeric values, whatever), we can now modify the original POJO (or any other Java object that has set of properties we want to change). We could do it by:

  // want to inject properties in a POJO? Use updatingReader! First create JsonNode (tree) from properties map
  ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
  JsonNode propTree = mapper.convertValue(properties, JsonNode.class);
  // and then read in, to update pojo we gave!

Of course if we just wanted to instantiate a new POJO, it would be simple matter of:

  BeanType bean = mapper.convertValue(properties, BeanType.class);

2. Encoding binary data as Base64 text, decoding

Now on to something totally different. Base64 encoding is commonly needed to provide things like, say, OAuth digest values, or security digests. There are specific external libraries available (as well as unofficial components from JDK that one may be tempted to use); but here too Jackson is actually a pretty good alternative: it already natively supports encoding and decoding of byte arrays as Base64 encoded JSON Strings. About the only caveat is that all JSON Strings are contained in double-quotes, which may need to strip out from results, or add around input String. More on this below.

So to encode binary data as Base64 String, we will do:

  // First: encode single-byte array 
  ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
  byte[] binary = new byte[5]; // five zero bytes
  // two ways to do it, actually; with one important difference:
  String quotedEncoded = mapper.writeValueAsString(binary); // WILL include surrounding double-quotes to be valid JSON
  // or
  String rawEncoded = mapper.convertValue(binary, String.class); // will only contain encoded String, NO double-quotes!
  // meaning, you get either "AAAAAAA="
  // or AAAAAAA=

most often it probably makes sense to use 'convertValue()'. Similarly, when decoding base64-encoded Strings back to underlying binary data (byte array), you can do either:

  byte[] data = mapper.readValue(quotedEncoded, byte[].class); // if data is surrounded by quotes
  // or, if no quotes:
  data = mapper.convertValue(encoded, byte[].class);

Pretty simple, convenient?

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