Monday, August 31, 2009

Processing non-standard "JSON"

One of the basic design principles of Jackson is that it is to read and write JSON format, and nothing else. That "else" includes not only other formats like XML, but also outcast mutant data that only calls itself JSON but does not conform to JSON specification.
For purposes of this entry, let's call such content "JSON", with quotes to emphasize its almost-but-not-quite nature (we could as well call it JSON--, !JSON, JSON* or pidginJSON -- whatever, name choice is arbitrary).

Whereas there is just one well-specified and -documented structure for JSON, there are countless possible ways to do "something like JSON" ("JSON"). But there is a relatively small set of commonly seen apocryphical features for such JSON pidgins.
These are:

  • Use of comments: usually C ("/* ... */") or C++ ("// ....") comments. Origins of this addition is probably JSON specification itself: some earliest drafts did indeed include ability to add such comments
  • Optional quoting around field names (i.e. leaving double-quotes out of field names). This usage is probably related to the fact that quoting is optional for Javascript, and related logical leap caused by origins of name JSON itself

These are the most commonly seen deviations, at least based on user request for supporting "JSON" content.

1. ToSupport or !ToSupport

From philosophical perspective, it would be tempting to outright decline to have anything to do with "JSON" content. After all, adding support might be seen as encouragement to use of non-standard features, leading to interoperability problems (depending which extra features various processors chose to support). But on the other hand, it is often useful to follow "liberal with what you accept; conservative with what you produce" guideline when promoting interoperability -- especially when there already exists implementations that make use of non-standard extensions mentioned earlier.

So with some procrastination, discussion and delay, optional support features have been added over time to let Jackson deal with "JSON".

With the warning that you should use such features only if you absolutely must (for interoperability reasons), here's what features exist and how they can be enabled.

2. Handling of comments

Comments that are encountered with "content like JSON" come in 2 main flavors: C-style (/* ... */) and C++ - style (// ....). Both forms were actually allowed in some earlier drafts of JSON specification, but dropped from the final version (what a shame -- my opinion is that this would have been a valuable and useful feature).

By default such comments in content will result in a parse exception. But it is possible to make parser simply skip such comments by configuring parser with:

  jsonFactory.enable(JsonParser.Feature.ALLOW_COMMENTS); // Jackson 1.2+
  jsonFactory.configure(JsonParser.Feature.ALLOW_COMMENTS, true); // Jackson 1.0+

(and similary directly for JsonParser instances, using 'parser.configure()')

or, when using ObjectMapper:

  objectMapper.configure(JsonParser.Feature.ALLOW_COMMENTS, true); // Jackson 1.2+

(which will basically configure parser instances mapper creates and uses)

For interoperability, it's best not to create any such content: but if you really must create such comments, you can do that by using "raw output" methods of JsonGenerator:

  jsonGenerator.writeRaw(" // my non-standard comment\n")

3. Handling of unquoted field names

Another common deviation from standard is use of unquoted names (field names not surrounded by double quotes). This deviation is probably due to common misconception that JSON is a straightforward static subset of Javascript (which is not true).
At any rate such content is often seen; and sometimes even preferred by some rogue JSON practitioners.

Generating such fields can be enabled by a JsonGenerator feature:

jsonFactory.disable(JsonGenerator.Feature.QUOTE_FIELD_NAMES); // Jackson 1.2+
jsonFactory.configure(JsonGenerator.Feature.QUOTE_FIELD_NAMES, false); // Jackson 1.0+

after which names will be output without surrounding double-quotes.
And to accept such content, parser needs to be configured with:

  jsonFactory.enable(JsonParser.Feature.ALLOW_UNQUOTED_FIELD_NAMES); // Jackson 1.2+ only

or, when using ObjectMapper:

  objectMapper.configure(JsonParser.Feature.ALLOW_UNQUOTED_FIELD_NAMES, true); // Jackson 1.2+

4. Warning

Did I already mention that you shouldn't really be using features I talked about above? And that if you do end up enabling these features, you should seriously consider repenting (take a shower after use, another one for extra measure; do 50 pater nosters, and spit over your left shoulder).

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Jackson 1.2 released!

Even without Netcraft confirming it, this much is official:Jackson 1.2.0 has just been released, and is available from here.

Beside 2 Grand Features already show-cased (BYOC, Mix-in Annotations), here are some other choice additions:

  • Ability to use declared (static) type for serialization, instead of runtime type: useful if you want to enforce public API, and avoid leaking implementation details
  • Ability to suppress errors for unknown (unrecognized) properties
  • More support for non-standard JSON content: can optionally parse content where field names are not quoted (something Javascript allows and standard JSON not)
  • Ability to use "delegating" creators -- constructors and factory methods that take intermediate bound object to construct POJO from. Typically this means taking in a Map<String,Object> (which Jackson binds), and then extracting loosely typed data for POJO
  • ObjectMapper now implements JsonNodeFactory: can construct all JsonNode types without explicitly getting a factory implementation -- useful when building Tree Models from scratch

As always, download responsibly! And don't forget to click the advert... I mean, tip the waitresses.

ps. I'll be off for a brief (2 week) vacation, so there won't be much new material to read here.

Jackson 1.2: use Mix-In Annotations to reuse, decouple

After reviewing the "number #1 user favorite feature" of upcoming Jackson 1.2 release, let's check out the Author's cut. As cool as ability to use any constructor or factory method a POJO has, my favorite feature is this little feature called Mix-in Annotations.

1. What are Mix-in Annotations?

Mix-in annotations are annotations defined in a mix-in class (or interface), that are to be used to augment annotations of a target class (or interface). Augmenting means that annotations of the mix-in class are used as if they were directly included in target class. Another way to explain this is to think of "mixing in annotations" to mean "injecting annotations from mix-in class to a target class".

Simple enough? There are obviously many smaller details (which will be explained later on), but for now this definition should suffice.

2. Example use case

Definition itself only describes what the feature is and does, but not why it would be useful. So let's consider an example use case.

Let's say you are using a third-party (or legacy) library that has a class called Point, defined as:

  public final class Point {
    final private int x, y;
    public Point(int x, int y) {
      this.x = x;
      this.y = y;
    int x() { return x; }
    int y() { return y; }
    int getArea() { return x * y; }

Point class is used extensively; including being exchanged between services. This means it needs to be serialized and deserialized.

Now Point is a perfectly ok POJO (and even somewhat typical one), but not one easily usable with data binding frameworks, including Jackson 1.1. Problems are:

  • Bean naming convention is not used, so that properties "x" and "y" are not serializable using getter methods; nor are fields public for automatic detection
  • Method "getArea" implies a bean property (and would be auto-detected), but we do NOT want to serialize property "area", since it is just a derived value and not an actual property
  • No default constructor is defined, but a 2-argument "initializing" constructor (not a problem per se with 1.2, any more); and that constructor is not marked as something we can use

So how would we serialize such a POJO?

Two main approaches would be adding annotations to guide the process; or writing a custom serializer.

In this case, we can not modify Point class definition itself; and ideally do not want to write custom serializers and deserializers, unless we absolutely have to.

3. Solution using Mix-in Annotations

So here is how you could use mix-in annotations to make Point (JSON) serializable: first, define a mix-in annotation interface (class would do as well):

  interface MixIn {
    @JsonProperty("x") int x();
    @JsonProperty("y") int y();
    @JsonIgnore int getArea();

and then configure ObjectMapper to use that as a "mix-in" for Point like so:

  ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
  mapper.getSerializationConfig().addMixInAnnotations(Point.class, MixIn.class);

And voila! After doing this, Points would be serialized as containing integer properties "x" and "y"; not "area" as would happen by default.

Before considering the other part (deserialization), here are some notes on using Mix-in Annotations:

  • All annotation sets that Jackson recognizes (core annotations, JAXB extensions) can be mixed in
  • All kinds of annotations (member method, static method, field, constructor annotations) can be mixed in
  • Only method (and field) name and signature are used for matching annotations: access definitions (private etc) and method implementations are ignored. (hint: if you can, it often makes sense to define mix-in class as an [abstract?] sub-class of target class, and use @Override JDK annotation to ensure method name and signature match!)
  • Mix-ins work as expected within inheritance hierarchy: it is feasible (and useful) to attach mix-in annotations to super-classes -- if so, mix-in annotations can further be overridden by annotations sub-classes (of target) provide.

4. Works for deserialization, too (or: "Better with BYOC")

So far so good? So here's another mix-in to tackle deserialization part -- the need to indicate constructor to use, and its parameter binding.

  abstract class DeserMixIn { // must be class to define constructors!
    DeserMixIn(@JsonProperty("x") int x, @JsonProperty("y") int y) { }

and then just register this mix-in using ObjectMapper.getDeserializationConfig().addMixInAnnotations().
Note, too, that you could just create a single mix-in class to contain all annotations; they are here only separated for clarity.

It is also worth re-iterating that the ability to annotate "Creators" (constructors as well static factory methods) is the "other cool new feature" of Jackson 1.2.

So we can get Points out of JSON, so to speak.

5. So what IS the Point?

So the obvious first main benefit of this feature is that it makes it easier to work with legacy code; especially one you can not (or do not want to) modify by adding annotations. It is often good idea to let the sleeping code lie, unless you plan to do some significant refactoring. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

But beyond this, it is also possible that perhaps you would ideally not add "special-purpose" (or perhaps, any at all) annotations to your POJOs. Arguably these annotations create a depedency to Jackson annotation classes, which should usually just be implementation details (assuming the main use for classes is not to serialize to JSON but do something else, aka "business logic"), and as such lead to unnecessary coupling of code.

So if you prefer to leave serialization-oriented annotations out of your biz-logic and data access/transfer classes, you could consider instead using Mix-in Annotations as the mechanism to associate necessary configuration information without introducing "wrong kind of" coupling. In a way, Mix-in Annotations can be viewed kind of Aspect-Oriented (or maybe Inversion-of-Control) feature. They allow injecting runtime serialization/deserialization configuration information, using dynamic (but non-intrusive: no code is modified!) mechanism.

7. Keep on Innovating!

One more thing: I think that this feature is one of the first features that is truly innovative with Jackson. There are many things that are improved, and perhaps even clever. But Mix-in Annotations is something I haven't seen in other libraries yet. Given this, I am curious to learn how users feel about it -- leave a comment here, or send email: let me know how you really feel!

The idea is of course to continue innovating. 1.3 is planned to contain similarly innovative features to make it possible, for example, to bind objects from regular Maps (and vice versa). Why? Well, wouldn't it be nice to create POJOs out of those nice little Java properties files? I think so too!

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