Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Finally: explicit support for JSON on the main Javascript platform... :)

Once again, this is not really news (as in being somehow new), but better late than never: apparently Firefox 3.1 has native JSON support functionality built in (and some version of IE 8 as well?).

So why does this matter? Article outlines main reasons: security/convenience (using "eval" is insecure; and other parsing methods need to be included as json libraries) and speed. I am actually surprised that speed difference is only 3-to-1 -- I would imagine it could be even more. Perhaps they should embed Jackson within Firefox to further speed it up. :-)
(just kidding -- I'm sure there are decent fast C/C++ parsers out there too; I just suspect one used is not yet one of those...)

This is double-plus-good, since the json parser library I tried to use ("jQuery json") kind of sucks; badly enough that I have reverted to using plain old Javascript eval for now. But maybe I can change code to auto-detect "JSON" object, and to use it if available.

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