Sunday, December 20, 2009

Jackson 1.4: more control over writing JSON, improved interoperability

First things first: if you haven't noticed yet, Jackson 1.4.0 was just released.

This release focuses mainly on writer (serialization) side, but there are also continuing improvements to interoperability. I will review main improvements below.

1. JSON generation improvements

1.1 Ignoring properties

A new annotation, @JsonIgnoreProperties, allows:

  • omitting serialization of listed properties: @JsonIgnoreProperties({ "secretField", "internalProperty" }); listed properties will not be included in JSON output
  • omitting listed properties from being deserialized; if encountered they are just ignored even if there is a setter for them (regardless of whether setter is marked to be ignored or not)
  • ignoring all unknown properties for annotated class during deserialization (similar to disabling DeserializationConfig.Feature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES), but only affects instances of annotated class. This is done with property "ignoreUnknown": @JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown=true) (note: has no effect on serialization)

1.2 JsonView

New @JsonView annotation allows defining logical views for serialization: sets of properties to be written out for given view.

Let's consider a simple example, where we want to control amount of information written out, based on, say, user's credentials. To define 3 classes of properties, we can define views (more about identification below):

  class Views { // container for View classes
static class Public { }
static class ExtendedPublic extends PublicView { }
static class Internal extends ExtendedPublicView { }
And to define access levels for our info class, we would do
public class PersonalInformation { // Bean that uses Views to define subsets of properties to include // Name is public @JsonView(Views.Public.class) String name; // Address semi-public @JsonView(Views.ExtendPublic.class) Address address; // SSN only for internal usage @JsonView(Views.Internal.class) SocialSecNumber ssn; }

Given this set up, we would define View to use for serialization by:

  objectMapper.writeValueUsingView(out, infoInstance, Views.Public.class); // short-cut
  // or full version:
  objectMapper.writeValue(out, beanInstance); // will use active view set via Config
  // (note: can also pre-construct config object with 'mapper.copySerializationConfig'; reuse configuration)

Which in this particular case would only contain "name" property. If we had used view Views.ExtendedPublic.class, we would have gotten 2 fields; and with Views.Internal.class, all 3.

Views are identified by classes: you can either create specific marker classes, or use existing classes. Views use inheritance indicated by class structure: such that a view is considered a sub-view of another view if it extends that view. Child views include properties that parent views include.

For more description see JsonView wiki page.

1.3 Ordering properties output

Another new annotation, @JsonPropertyOrder, allows defining complete and partial field orderings:

  • You can define explicit ordering by listing properties as annotation value: @JsonPropertyOrder({ "id", "name" }) would ensure that "id" and "name" are output before any other properties during serialization
  • You can specify that anything not explicitly ordered will be output in alphabetic order: @JsonPropertyOrder(alphabetic=true)
  • Without these settings order is undefined because JVM does not expose order of underlying fields or methods (but see note below)

Beyond these definitions, 1.4 also guarantees that properties used with @JsonCreator annotations (constructors, factories) are serialized before other properties, unless there are explicitly ordered properties (which will have priority). This change was to optimize @JsonCreator property usage: ideally these properties should be readable before other properties -- although JSON logical model does not provide for such guarantee, Jackson will try to do its best to make ordering optimal.

2. Interoperability improvements

Goal of interoperability improvement is to make Jackson a "universal" JSON data binding tool on JVM. That is: we hope to make Jackson usable from other JVM languages, not just Java -- already one can use it from quite a few (reported to work from Groovy, Clojure), and hopefully supporting others like Scala in near future (Scala lists are not well handled, yet) -- as well as interoperate nicely with most common data libraries.

To this end, there is now default support (i.e. no need for custom converters or mix-in annotations) for following data types:

  • DOM (xml) trees: properties declared as DOM Document, Element and Node will now be properly serialized to, and deserialized from JSON Strings. Useful if you want to embed XML as JSON properties (sometimes good for interoperability)
  • Joda DateTime type, and mechanism to easily add more types as needed (file a Jira request if you need more!)
  • Handling of javax.xml types that some platforms lack (Android and GAE have had some issues) much improved so that they are dynamically and reliably added, if underlying types are present.

Last point should also make it yet easier to make Jackson run on new "subset platforms"; containers that support subset of JDK 1.5 (or have issues with some parts).

3. Plans for 1.5

So what next? 1.4 release can be thought of a "minor" minor release, similar to 1.3; compared to fundamentally new functionality of 1.2 (mix-in annotations, JsonCreators), 1.3 and 1.4 have consisted of smaller (but more numerous) evolutionary incremental improvements. In many ways, Jackson releases have mirror JDK releases, come to think of that.

Anyway: the next Big Thing will be "Polymorphic Deserialization", which is by far the most requested feature. That is, ability to deserialize instances of correct types, even in absence of static type information (declared type of, say, List<Object> could still be deserialized to contain whatever actual type of serialized instance was). Getting this done is important in itself, but the most important aspect in my mind is to Do It Right. This should not be a stop-gap solution, or something to rewrite in near future. It should be comprehensive, flexible and robust solution to the non-trivial problem. And plan is to do just that; now that other queued blocking issues (like that of finall getting much-requested JsonView done) have been dealt with.

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