StaxMate 2.0.1 released; improved DOM-from-Stax, compatibility with default JDK 1.6 Stax implementation
Quick update from "XML world" -- in which I have spent much less time, due to explosive growth in JSON land: StaxMate 2.0.1 was just released.
1. StaxMate?
First question you might ask is "What the heck is StaxMate?". Fair enough -- given how little attention it has gotten, here is the main idea.
StaxMate is meant to offer "convenience of DOM with performance of Stax (or SAX)". Although Stax API was an improvement in usability for many use cases, it is still a rather low-level access API. StaxMate builds concept of "cursors" when reading content; and output context objects when writing content. Sample code and bit more in-depth explanation can be found from StaxMate Tutorial page; but basic idea is to offer better abstractions than simple flat event iterator. Sort of like how automatic transmission can simplify driving, compared to manual stick shift.
Working with cursors is typically similar to how DOM documents are traversed in simple top-down (recursive-descent) fashion: you start with root element, get child elements, locate more children, textual content and so forth. Same is done with StaxMate, with just one crucial limitation: all access must be done in document order (parent first, them children, in order they are in XML document). If you need to retain some information, you will do it explicitly (attribute values from parents need to be access before child elements, for example). StaxMate will take care to synchronize access when you use child cursors, so will never need to worry about skipping remaining siblings; you just can not access things in random order. Same is also true for output side; although there are ways to temporarily "freeze" output which does allow building content somewhat out-of-order, as necessary. This may be necessary for doing things like calculating parent attribute values based on content written for child elements.
The benefit of requiring access to be done in document order is that it means that there is no additional performance or memory overhead for keeping track of past content. Memory usage, therefore, is not very different from that of "raw" Stax parser or generator; same is true for performance. Overhead of DOM documents is often 3x - 5x that of streaming access; overhead of using StaxMate is typically in 10-20% range, sometimes even lower.
2. Fixes in 2.0.1
This patch release contains just 2 fixes, but both are quite important, so upgrade is strongly recommended.
First fix is to DOM-compatibility part (see "Reading DOM documents using Stax XML parser, StaxMate" for details on usage). It turns out that although building full DOM document worked fine with 2.0.0, there were issues if binding sub-trees; these issues should now be resolved.
Second fix is to interoperability with Stax parsers that do not implement Stax2 extension API (to date, Woodstox and Aalto do implement this, but not others; most notably, Sun Sjsxp which is the default Stax parser bundled with JDK 6). Although most operations work just fine, Typed Access accessors (getting XML element text as number, boolean value, enum) could cause state update to work incorrectly, leading to issues when accessing sequence of typed values. This has been resolved, by fixing the underlying problem in Stax2 API reference implementation library that StaxMate depends (version 3.0.4 of the library contains fixes).